I am an Angel. I do not mean that in a figurative sense. I mean it quite literally! I have existed since before the beginning of that which you know as time…and was among those that were first created when the Creator expanded himself (or herself, if you
Angels were created to be co-creators…to develop and separate the light and the darkness…the warm and the cold…all of the creatures that exist on the land, under the sea and in the sky. If you were to picture the Creator as the Chief Executive Officer of Creation then we were created as the second in command. The spirit essence of the Creator splintered into millions of “middle managers” whose role it was to execute the vision of the Creator in expanding his essence into eternity.
We evolved, almost instantaneously, into our roles of part
But before I become too complicated in explaining the nature of my existence, let me first explain the reason for my messages and the reason why I have asked this human “messenger” to carry out my “voice of blissful harmony”.
My name is Margaret…although throughout the centuries I have been known by many other names. Throughout the centuries I have spoken through many human voices…all of which carried the message of peace, and joy and “non-judgementalism”. About 20 years ago I began to speak to Gerry. What, you might ask, made him qualified to communicate with angels…was he someone who was deeply ingrained in a religious community or who had some saintly spiritual qualities…no…to the contrary…he is very, very human and filled with very typical human qualities. So what made him an angelic communicator…he asked! Gerry had learned and studied to develop his skills to quiet the chatter in his mind to be open to spiritual messengers. But despite his knowledge he was unable to communicate with the angelic realm. Until one day when he surrendered to the concept that he was lost and just simply asked to speak to me…and the door was opened.
“It can’t be that easy” I can hear you saying…”everyone could talk to angels if that were true”…and to this I say…you are right…everyone can speak to angels and the purpose of my relationship with Gerry and the work that he has done since our meeting is to carry out that message to others…
In the beginning when we first began our communication on a somewhat regular basis Gerry asked me why I had chosen him to carry out the role of human messenger. I joked that through him “it would become infinitely clear that if he could do it anyone could”! While his willingness and compassion is not to be overlooked…the truth is that he does
I have asked Gerry to start this blog because it is, among other new technologies, one of the most popular forms of communication on your planet. Through links and other cross references these messages may be carried forth to millions upon millions of seekers…who also would like to speak to their angels…those that were instrumental in their creation and re-creation and who vibrate deeply within their energetic essence.
You already know us…you have already spoken to us many times. We are the quiet inner voice that urges you to make a turn when your car is almost out of gas…the voice of the muse that sparks your creativity…the voice that tells you that there is more to life then that which you have settled…the voice that reminds you to be grateful when you re-member how much you have…and the voice that brings you home when it is time to cross-over…or who carried forth your beloved pets when their time has come. The quiet voice that exists within your soul.
There is a reason why this blog is so very important right now…not to say that it was not important before…but in today’s worldly energy there is a pervasive energy of fear. That fear is racking the economies of the world…that are driven by the need for an optimistic outlook on the futures of all that is invested into the world. We measure investments by their paper monetary value, but investments are, in fact, dreams. Dreams for the future…based on all of the best facts that can be gleaned to support them. Pervasive fear gives way to difficulty dreaming positive dreams…and a lack of trust in investing in the future. This is not new…throughout all of history angels have appeared to very typical humans…and offered to them the same message over and over…FEAR NOT! This was not being delivered because people are afraid of us…for; in fact, we possess an energy that most would feel as calming and re-assuring. The message of FEAR NOT is not about the messenger…it is the very essence of the message.
Virtually every day I will share these messages with Gerry and he will share them with you. Those who will come to this blog will do so because you are seeking a way to make sense of where you are in your life…and of the world in general. In due time, for those of you who desire, we will share further information, as to how you can delve even deeper into angelic communication.
I thank you for coming to this site. We, of the angelic realm, have such a deep and abiding respect of spirits that were created into the human form and who assist the creator in consistently expanding the vistas of “the spiritual/human experience”. For many of you, some of the things that I will say in this blog will make great sense…while for others it will challenge your spiritual dogmas and will many times feel very controversial.
Remember that these messages will be coming from a place of “non-judgmentalism” and as such they may not be the same as opinions that have been developed in the human realm where emotion,
Peace and love to all…in perfect harmony,
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