Monday, April 20, 2009

Going the Distance

Sometimes one of the hardest things for humans to experience in their various incarnations is the actual fulfillment of that which they came to life to accomplish.

Let me preface that statement by stating a factual certainty…there is such a thing as re-incarnation. One does incarnate over and over in various forms and in various levels of consciousness. The goal is for the soul to come to the perfect understanding of what it is like to be all things and all expressions…both “good” and “evil” so that in the “afterlife” there would be the ability to assimilate this information and overcome ones judgments, prejudices and pre-conceptions to become a being of pure love. When one experiences the “being” of a creature, then it is more likely that they will re-enter the next life form without an agenda toward that form.

So again, this is not a question of good karma, or bad karma that causes one to incarnate in a certain form…it is simply karma…the need to experience the opposite of the current lifetime that brings forth the next experience.

But many times the spirit enters the human form…the highest form of free thought and expression and looses track of that which they came to experience. Or even if they have a sense of the experience they have come for…the task at hand is often more daunting then the body can support. You have all heard the phrase…”The spirit was willing, but the flesh was weak”. This is often stated as a judgment of the individual that purports to criticize the individual for not living up to a certain standard of behavior. Often however, the very instance of the “weakness” is the experience that the soul has come to learn. Perhaps in one lifetime the person is one who judges and has distain for others who have addictions to food, or drugs or alcohol. That person may feel that all of this is due to a lack of willpower…a “weakness of the flesh”. There is a good likelihood that in another incarnation this individual will enter a body that is plagued by addictions. When they return from the physical space to the spiritual space they will clear their judgment of the other because they will be filled with understanding and compassion for those forms. This occurs until the spirit moves past the need to judge others and to believe that he or she is better then another life form.

Human “beings” do not generally become animal spirits because primal animal spirits already live within them. That is why virtually all humans exhibit certain behaviors that will identify them as predator or prey. Think of it in your own life. Are you the one who decides on the well being of the other members of your pack? Are you an aggressor or do you run and hide when you fear that aggression is about to come to you. In the extreme, are you an abuser or the abused…the victor…or the victim? If you exhibit the behavior traits of prey, it is likely that you have deep animal spirits that can be called upon to bring you strength. And the opposite is true as well.

But to go back to my initial theme of this discourse…are you a spirit in a human form that will be able to “go the distance” in the things you have come to learn. Do you avoid the things that make you uncomfortable, or do you face them? There is an easy test to find out what it is that you have come here to learn. Pay attention to what the things are that make you the most uncomfortable. That which makes you most uncomfortable speaks to the place you last inhabited. It also speaks to you of those things that you have come into this existence to make peace with.

That which raises an internal defensive barrier speaks to a set of experiences that have caused that reaction. Sometimes this is due to the previous experiences of this lifetime, but more often it speaks to the experiences you have brought in from another.

Try this today. Spend some quiet time and think on the things in your life that make you the happiest and the most uncomfortable. When you find the things that make you uncomfortable, close your eyes and breathe into the feeling and ask the creator why this makes you feel this way. You may be surprised by the answers.

Go in peace,



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