Friday, March 27, 2009

The Truth About Angels

Often, usually in situations of great luck or extreme sorrow, humans will talk about the existence of angels. For example, when a coworker gets a promotion that others might question, you may hear the words, “boy, he must have an angel sitting on his shoulder”. Or in a situation where an accident is averted someone may say, “My angel was watching over me today”. What is most sad, are those times when tragedy does occur and at those times the most likely phrase is, and “where was his guardian angel”?

People often validate the existence of angels based on their own personal experiences or those of others. But few understand how angels truly do interact with humans and why some people seem so protected and others have every difficulty come their way.

The key to understanding is to start with a very basic premise. We are all, humans and angels, beings of energy. Your heart beats and your blood flows by the energy that possesses your body. Some call that energy life force and others call it “the soul”…but it is the essence of your being and personality. Your unique stamp of energy…that which forms your personality and everything else about you is in this invisible energy. Your DNA is not only in your hair, or skin, or saliva. It is in the very energy that breathed life into your body and allows you to walk around free of any power cords.

As co-creators with the Creator, we helped to create all of the animal kingdom and mankind (womankind too)! Those angels who helped to create you have their DNA forever intertwined with their co-creations…just as humans can identify their child by the existence of similar DNA. In this manner you are spiritually linked to that angel who assisted with your spiritual creation and that angel, because of its link, is often referred to as your guardian angel. Because we are linked to you we always know what is occurring with you. What may be hard for you to understand, however, is that since that spiritual connection exists with millions of human beings we act as guardians for millions of human souls. It is not a difficult task because we are not limited by the human restrictions of space and time and thusly we are aware of every part of our spiritual body of creation…and the creator is aware of every single particle of creation since it came from him/her. This is why you have heard the phrase that god sees all.

I know that this is hard to understand but if you think of it in terms of your own body it is easier. The energetic essence of yourself is so strong that it powers your human body without you having to give it a single conscious thought. You never think…heart beat…kidneys flush…eyes tear…well maybe some of you have been able to pull off the eyes tear part to get something you want…especially the little children! 
Gerry can be typing this as I speak to him and yet he is aware that he is hungry…he hears the fan in the background…is aware of the person with the loud radio and feels an itch on his foot. Even with the limitations of being in a body…which limits sensation so the physical brain can process it…human’s sense a great deal at one time. Now imagine that you are not limited by a body and brain and you are just linked to the ultimate intelligence. That is what it is like to be an angel. Add to that the fact that we have no emotional connection to the actions of mankind because we know that everything is part of your process to “return to the garden” so to speak.

When you were created within a physical form your spirit did so to expand your senses and spiritual essence…thus expanding the creator…by the sensory deprivation of becoming a physical being. Being deprived of the knowledge of your connection to the creator you spend your life in experiences that will move you closer to connection or farther away…but all are pivotal to your spiritual growth. There must be the positive with the negative…the yin and the yang.

We help you when you call upon us to help you…or should I say when you surrender your will to a higher power. When you realize that there are times that you just cannot figure out the answers no matter how hard you try…there are points that you truly surrender and many of you ask for our help…and with the power of your will (willpower) out of the way we are free to manifest energy to bring you things that you are seeking.

Let me give you a clearer example…that of an alcoholic in Alcoholics Anonymous. In this program one of the first steps is to realize that the human will to not drink (willpower) is not strong enough to stop. So the drinker surrenders their willpower in this area to a higher power. In essence you are calling on the higher power that helped to create you to step in and place their energy within your field to give you the power to manifest a greater good. Gerry once experienced this when he was about to crash into a truck in the middle of a bad snow storm. We had already established a connection and as he struggled to get control of his skidding car I was helpless to assist him. He was trying to control the outcome. He heard my plea to “let go” in his mind and literally “let go” of the steering wheel. That allowed us to assist him and he will often tell of the amazing tale of how his car spun and swerved, turned backward, so that it was facing the oncoming truck and then slid perfectly into an opening between two guard rails as the truck zoomed past…just inches away. We were able to assist because he called on us and trusted in the outcome. If the truck had crashed into him and killed him…at that point he was actually at peace with it…for that split second he realized that he had no control over this situation and he trusted that whatever the outcome…we would bring him to his best possible space.

That is why some people seem so blessed and others seem so put upon. Both believe that what they are receiving seems to be their lot in life. That is why the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. Their energy is so intertwined in the belief that their life will not change that it doesn’t. But there are those who believe that there is a deeper truth…a deeper connection to the creator, and often they surrender to that faith…with such depth of conviction that they are brought to the experiences that help their spirit to grow in leaps and bounds. Think of it in this way. The greatest leaders of all time have amassed great power by delegating their authority to persons they would trust. Generals trust their power to captains…who delegate authority to lieutenants…who delegate authority to sergeants…who delegate to corporals who delegate the “grunt” work to the private. What a rich example this army metaphor is. It is the private individual…in their own personal battle with the forces of light and darkness, which would be all alone in his decisions about how to survive this battle if it were not for the training of the corporal and sergeant…who prepare them for battle. And those soldiers rely on the lieutenant and the captain to have the correct ability to “think on their feet” in translating the “battle plan” into the real give and take…and surprises…of the battle. But it is the general who gathers the information from all sources and has the ability to impart crucial intelligence from this “above perspective” that helps everyone to survive.

The Creator is the general. The Creator understands all because the Creator created all and all intelligence of all beings flows through him/her. That intelligence flows down to the angels that create the balance between the darkness and the light…the archangels. The intelligence then flows to the guardians…who are like the sergeants and then to the “saints”…the spirit guides that have been human and have grown so in spirit that they are almost akin to the angels. Then the “private soul”…the human…the individual. When you are going it alone you are like a soldier in the wilderness. Winning some battles…loosing some, and struggling to survive. If your power of will is strong you will get far, but it is when you surrender your will to get the advice and “intelligence” of a higher power that you get a glimpse of the bigger picture. The bigger “battle plan” so to speak. I hope I have not offended anyone in using this military metaphor…I am not using it as a supportive proponent of war, but since mankind has waged some type of war since the earliest of days, and since many corporations and even sports teams are built on the same structure…I have used it to illustrate an important point.

Ask and you shall receive, knock and it will be opened. Surrender and you will be given the power.

Go in peace and love,


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