Friday, April 3, 2009

The Human Body

There has been a slight delay of a few days in being able to deliver this message due to illness and extreme fatigue that Gerry has been experiencing and that situation caused me to want to speak further on the challenges that the human form faces. We have desired to do these messages on weekdays to allow him the time to rest on weekends, but several of the past few days he has been unable to muster the energy to channel.

There are few things that have been created in this universe that are as fascinating as the human body. A microcosm of the very universe itself, the human body simulates creation in its very form and function. Your brain is somewhat like the sun. All of the other organs revolve around the functions of this “orb” so to speak. Your organs respond to its pulses of energy in magnetic waves, very much as this planet does to sun spots of flashes.

In the process of creation it was ordained that in order for creation to continue and for there to be the necessary flow of both positive and negative charges to create ever expanding energy, that there needed to be that disparity in both the energy of the angels as well as that of humans. Angels who took on the role of the creators of darkness became those that you now refer to as “devils”. In fact their role is most crucial to creation for they must create the darkness in all of its forms in order for humankind to even be able to identify what is the “light”. Would you understand cold if you had never felt hot?

In creating humankind, the method to expand the growth of the energy of the creator was to give these creators a body…that would feel a myriad of positive and negative sensations…while at the same time giving these creatures a “free will” to choose between these differing sensations to their own liking. In the story of the “Garden of Eden” it is said that Lucifer, the Archangel of the Darkness, took the shape of a serpent and tempted Adam and Eve to “eat of the fruit of knowledge”. Lucifer was offering them the opportunity to “feel”. Everything was idyllic with their existence but they did not know this because they didn’t know any other experiences that they could compare to. When they chose to eat the fruit it is said that they were expelled from the garden, but in truth the garden ceased to exist…for they had used their free will to know all that God had created and not just that which was perfection. Many read this story as a failure of the first created…or as an “original sin”, but it was in fact a very courageous decision for them to want to know and understand more. It is one that humankind continues to choose every day! This same facet of creation was repeated over and over again, with other “Adam and Eve’s” and that is how the many races of the world came to be. All were offered the opportunity to live an idyllic lifestyle without the ability to understand anything outside of their world and all chose to leave the garden. It is in this way that mankind, in our opinion, far exceeds our abilities as angels, since for most of us, our broader understanding of the overall scheme of creation causes us to want to stay within our form and not to evolve into more complex creatures such as humans. Some angels do take that route and for them we have great respect as well.

In the story of creation it is said that Adam and Eve discovered their nakedness and they covered in shame. There was not shame involved…although that emotion did evolve. They discovered cold and they awoke to the first difference from the garden. They also learned to kill animals for skins and food. These first creatures discovered both the limitations of a body, but also the extreme pleasures of the sensations they now had. In the garden there was no hunger so there was no need for food. The need to allow the body to take over to direct the individual to survival did not occur until they left the garden…and those same primal needs exist through to this day. In the days of primal human need, the body was the utmost focus. Food, water and shelter were the primary concerns and the human beings responded to the cues that the body gave them.

My concern these days is that the care of this vehicle for your spiritual growth has fallen into great disrepair. And now the decision as to living in the garden is often given to those living outside. By this I mean that many of the choices that are being made today by humans are actually hastening their departure from the body. In the fast paced world that has been created by humans there is little time afforded for rest and relaxation. It is no accident that the word for activities that have no direct bearing on the primal human needs are called recreation. That time is what allows humans to re-create their energetic core…either through rest, reading, dance, play, sex…whatever leaves them feeling rejuvenated after that act is performed. Millions on the planet are sleep deprived…which not only means that their physical body has not had the opportunity to rebuild its cells…but they have also limited their time of a deeper spiritual connection that occurs during deep sleep. That sleep is the place where manifestation of the spiritual to the physical can be hastened. We will speak more about this at another time.

Of other concern is the fuel that is ingested to feed your bodies. Again, in the world of haste there have been created many “foods” that are preserved to last a very long time and those same chemicals that “preserve” the food actually not only stay in the body longer…as the preservative cells decompose they attach to other cells and “preserve” those cells from dividing and expanding and recreating in the manner that the body normally accepts. These “free radical” cells then often latch onto other cells or cluster amongst themselves to form what has come to be called “cancer”. Movement away from foods that have preservatives…as hard as this might be…is a key to the best care of the human body. Also it is crucial to develop a natural form of exercise that will allow you to simulate some of the activities that your body did back in the days of being a “hunter gatherer”. During those days you ran, crawled, climbed, squatted, jumped, danced and did many other things that kept the body strong and healthy. Exercises that simulate these things refresh your primal memory and cause you to seek doing them even more so.

Rest assured. Be more mindful of your bodies and they will be ale to do more to assist the mind…the orb at the center of your personal universe.

All of our love,


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