Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Of all of the issues that face humans in their pursuit of happiness, the greatest challenge is that of communication. All humans have their own perceptions and realities and it is the lucky few who actually enter relationships and friendships with others who see the world in a similar light to them.

But to understand this conundrum it is important to first understand the very essence of communication and its relationship to the energy centers of the body…the chakras. When a human processes information it is taken in by the senses (sight, smell, touch, sound and taste). Like energy attracts, so that in the beginning of a relationship…be it friendship, lust or love…one of the senses is overwhelmed by a stimulus from the other person. You may find that person visually appealing, or love their voice…or the smell of their perfume…or how they kiss. This information is sent to the brain and to the gut…the enteric nervous system. The body perceives the information that is being sent by the energy field of another and it is taken in by the brain…the heart and the gut. The brain will attempt to logically break down the information to see if it makes sense and it will seek to go back into its experiences to see if it has ever been sensed before. Then the heart processes the information to see if this is something that you should embrace with love or repel with fear. These are the only two emotions that are truly developed at the heart center and all of the other emotions…jealousy; passion, etc. are experienced here. Then the information from the brain and the heart are sent to the gut…along with information that is sent up from the first and second chakras….which control your survival instincts and your sexual/creative instincts. The process of energy moving downward from the brain and the heart and upward from the root and sexual organs then meet in the gut…just above the bellybutton and below the rib cage. This is the seat of a portion of your nervous system called the enteric nervous system. It fires in a very similar manner to the brain and it deciphers the signals from all of the receptors and develops what we have come to know as the “gut feelings”. How often have you heard the phrases…”trust your gut”...”what does your gut feel” or “I wish I had the guts”. All of these speak to a sense that supercedes the others…one that goes beyond logic and passion and reached towards another criterion all together. It is the purest of decision making criteria because it is the only place that actually uses all of your senses to process a decision. However, it is the one that is most often ignored. We follow our hearts and trust our minds and there are volumes of poetry that have been written on love as well as volumes on the power of logic and probability…but the concept of trusting the guts is one that is basically left to the expertise of psychics. Many people think that psychic messages come from a place above the psychic, but the true psychic, or profit or muse inspired artist actually derives their inspiration by allowing their gut to process the signals. The then override the need to feel secure about their sanity…they let go of the pride in what people will think of them and they override everything that the brain says…and deliver the messages as best as they can receive them.

It is the lack of trust in the assimilation powers of the gut that is the root cause of relationship issues. Despite evidence that shows otherwise, the brain will call upon the memory of other deceptions or disappointments and will translate this to a current relationship. Or the heart will allow the brain to justify the behaviors of others, or yourselves to override the feeling that those behaviors are incorrect.
It is hard for humans to trust their guts because, very often, the guts are not sending the messages that the mind or heart wants to feel. But eventually, the truth that the “like” energy that attracted two people is not enough to sustain the relationship…or friendship…will bring events to the surface that will demonstrate this truth. At those times you will often hear the phrase, “why didn’t I trust my guts”.

So you see, my dear ones, that communication issues are not between two separate humans…they are within each and every human themselves…and if you simply trust in the communication that you internally feel…rather then seeking the advice of others…until you hear what you want to hear…then you will be fine. Communication starts within and then reverberates from the individual and attracts the energy of what that person is seeking. If you are afraid you will attract fear. If you are mistrusting you will attract situations that you can mistrust…even if the individuals in your life are trustworthy. If you love unconditionally, then you will attract unconditional love.

By the way…unconditional love does not mean that you will accept everything that someone does to you so as to accept them for the person they truly are. It means to go into each and every day with out a pre-conceived condition of what that day will bring…thus allowing the best…or the worst and responding in the moment and not preconceiving that moment way in advance. There is such a thing as a self-fulfilling prophecy. If you think on something long enough and are sure that it will happen and you empower that thought with true emotion…you will create some response of energy…either the fulfillment of your request…or a push back from another’s energy field. But by examining the energy you are putting forth and trying not to pre-conceive…allowing things to unfold…you again surrender. That does not mean that you do not do your best or take the most appropriate actions to the best possible outcome. Only that you do not hang your “hopes” on one single outcome that you have “conditioned” as the best one for you…not knowing what wonders could be in store if you allow your life to unfold and love yourself and communicate with yourself honestly and openly.

The world is full of communication issues…that all begin…within.

Go in peace.



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