Friday, May 8, 2009
So then what are goals…what are accomplishments and how do you sense what is a true accomplishment for your spirit and not for the overall well being of others…and when do the two connect how can you tell?
Those goals that are the best sought after are the ones that would take you to the most complete expression of the “human being” that you have chosen to be in this lifetime. These are sometimes in concert with the goals that have been created for you by your family, friends work and social circle.
Finding yourself, the real expression of who you are, is no small task. From the time of being very young most humans gain approval by behaving in the way that most pleases other people. Humans are driven by love or removal of love and it is quickly learned that actions that are taken to make other people happy…whether in work or in their social lives…will get them love…or rather an expression of appreciation that they will allow themselves to perceive as love. After awhile one is so used to determining the value of ones self worth by the actions of acceptance taken by others, that it is easy to forget what were the things that truly made you personally happy. Up until the teenage years the individual has, in most cases, extreme awareness of the things that make them happy. After that point, they will derive their happiness from the act of making other people happy and that will become their primary goal. You may not recognize yourself in this scenario…or more importantly you may not see this in your significant other…but if you look deeply you will see that there is someone in their life that they are seeking approval from…even if it is not in their relationship. Their accomplishments become “being a good father” or “being a good mother”…or son or daughter…and all of these are admirable things…but in the process if you loose a true sense of yourself than you are no longer being you…but rather you are a shadow of the person who you desire to please.
But what does this have to do with accomplishments and being your truest personal self. The greatest accomplishment that one can make is to not loose your soul while you are trying to lift the souls of others. In the world of 12 Step Programs this is called “setting boundaries”. Retaining a sense of your own identity while you are answering the needs of others. To do this is not really that difficult. You need to continually seek out what makes you personally happy in all the things that you do…for yourself and others. If your focus is on what makes you happy…in all that you do…then your energy will draw to you more things that will make you happy. But if your focus is on how much you resent the things that you are doing…your work…your marriage etc, then the focus of your life is on what you are missing rather then what joys you are experiencing. To recognize these joys and to give thanks for all of the things in your life that make you happy is an accomplishment. It is the recognition of an act well done, or the joy of lifting your own spirit or the spirits of others. When you discover a song that lifts your spirit it is an accomplishment. When you find a book that gives you rest and enjoyment then you have soothed your mind and spirit and that is an accomplishment. When you do something for another and you know you have done well…even if it not appreciated…it is an accomplishment. It is a “fete de comply”…a good act completed. These are the types of accomplishments that will build the spirit and will soothe the soul. And as they build in momentum they will draw you to even greater accomplishments and blessings.
Give thanks for that which gives you joy in even its most simple form and more abundant joys will come to you tenfold.
Be well and go in peace,
Monday, April 20, 2009
Going the Distance
Let me preface that statement by stating a factual certainty…there is such a thing as re-incarnation. One does incarnate over and over in various forms and in various levels of consciousness. The goal is for the soul to come to the perfect understanding of what it is like to be all things and all expressions…both “good” and “evil” so that in the “afterlife” there would be the ability to assimilate this information and overcome ones judgments, prejudices and pre-conceptions to become a being of pure love. When one experiences the “being” of a creature, then it is more likely that they will re-enter the next life form without an agenda toward that form.
So again, this is not a question of good karma, or bad karma that causes one to incarnate in a certain form…it is simply karma…the need to experience the opposite of the current lifetime that brings forth the next experience.
But many times the spirit enters the human form…the highest form of free thought and expression and looses track of that which they came to experience. Or even if they have a sense of the experience they have come for…the task at hand is often more daunting then the body can support. You have all heard the phrase…”The spirit was willing, but the flesh was weak”. This is often stated as a judgment of the individual that purports to criticize the individual for not living up to a certain standard of behavior. Often however, the very instance of the “weakness” is the experience that the soul has come to learn. Perhaps in one lifetime the person is one who judges and has distain for others who have addictions to food, or drugs or alcohol. That person may feel that all of this is due to a lack of willpower…a “weakness of the flesh”. There is a good likelihood that in another incarnation this individual will enter a body that is plagued by addictions. When they return from the physical space to the spiritual space they will clear their judgment of the other because they will be filled with understanding and compassion for those forms. This occurs until the spirit moves past the need to judge others and to believe that he or she is better then another life form.
Human “beings” do not generally become animal spirits because primal animal spirits already live within them. That is why virtually all humans exhibit certain behaviors that will identify them as predator or prey. Think of it in your own life. Are you the one who decides on the well being of the other members of your pack? Are you an aggressor or do you run and hide when you fear that aggression is about to come to you. In the extreme, are you an abuser or the abused…the victor…or the victim? If you exhibit the behavior traits of prey, it is likely that you have deep animal spirits that can be called upon to bring you strength. And the opposite is true as well.
But to go back to my initial theme of this discourse…are you a spirit in a human form that will be able to “go the distance” in the things you have come to learn. Do you avoid the things that make you uncomfortable, or do you face them? There is an easy test to find out what it is that you have come here to learn. Pay attention to what the things are that make you the most uncomfortable. That which makes you most uncomfortable speaks to the place you last inhabited. It also speaks to you of those things that you have come into this existence to make peace with.
That which raises an internal defensive barrier speaks to a set of experiences that have caused that reaction. Sometimes this is due to the previous experiences of this lifetime, but more often it speaks to the experiences you have brought in from another.
Try this today. Spend some quiet time and think on the things in your life that make you the happiest and the most uncomfortable. When you find the things that make you uncomfortable, close your eyes and breathe into the feeling and ask the creator why this makes you feel this way. You may be surprised by the answers.
Go in peace,
Friday, April 10, 2009
Why "Good" Friday
Both of these religious observances are touching in that they remember the “good” that has been received by all of humankind as a result of the kindness of the creator.
Many of the world’s religions recognize themselves as the one “true” religion. The one that was established by the creator to signify that they are a special people and that in order for other people to be saved then they must conform to their beliefs.
I know that I run the risk of angering many of you but there is no “chosen people”. There is no “chosen” religion. Religion is basically the method for a group of people to collectively express their joint belief in how they perceive God and to come together for the purpose of giving thanks and praise to that being. Angels have been instrumental, throughout all cultures, in bringing a basic understanding of creation and the importance of all people to the creator…who is within all of them…so that all would understand this in a way that would be consistent with their culture.
What has evolved from this however was the belief that these angelic messages were being delivered to them alone. When the original apostles spread the word of Jesus they were supposed to be carrying forth the message that all of mankind was united in god and that all were included in the creator’s love. Jesus was specifically incarnated as a Jew for the purpose of showing the “chosen people” that others were equally loved in God’s eyes. This was and still is a very hard concept for any oppressed people to understand. But it is true, for the essence of the creator is in every particle of existence.
The kindness of the creator does not “Passover” anyone. But it is delivered more easily to those who can open their hearts to the essence of the divine love that surrounds them. The “good”, of “Good Friday” is that it remembers the selfless acts of man who spoke of only two commandments that were given as the basis for a perfect life…love the creator with your whole heart and soul…which means to love yourself and to recognize the creator in you and all things and to give thanks for the wonder of that miracle…just as you do when you sense the miracle of the birth of a new baby. And second to love others in the same way as you love yourself. If you follow the first commandment then the second comes very naturally…not easily…but the knowledge of the natural progression must occur.
Jesus, the man, believed so deeply in these concepts that he would rather have given his life then to practice hate or divisiveness. Gandhi did the same and countless others who have followed this example to spread peace rather then hatred.
This Passover/Easter season I would ask you to remember these words and to contemplate that the lesson of Passover was much broader then the story. At Passover we give thanks for the “there but for God go I” concept. We recognize that somewhere out there…no matter how hard our struggle…there is someone who is going through more and who is making sacrifices that we might not ever be asked to make…and which certainly make our problems small in comparison. We thank the creator for allowing those struggles to “Passover” our home and we give thanks for the “good” in all people who place love above their personal needs and who realize that we are all one…all connected to the source of all…and that one day…when the body gives way and releases the spirit…that this spirit will be re-connected to the source at every level. This is the meaning of the “resurrection” and the reason why, no matter what the struggle, the end result will be peace, love and joy.
Our best to all in your holiday celebrations,
Have fun and love one another,
All our love,
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
But to understand this conundrum it is important to first understand the very essence of communication and its relationship to the energy centers of the body…the chakras. When a human processes information it is taken in by the senses (sight, smell, touch, sound and taste). Like energy attracts, so that in the beginning of a relationship…be it friendship, lust or love…one of the senses is overwhelmed by a stimulus from the other person. You may find that person visually appealing, or love their voice…or the smell of their perfume…or how they kiss. This information is sent to the brain and to the gut…the enteric nervous system. The body perceives the information that is being sent by the energy field of another and it is taken in by the brain…the heart and the gut. The brain will attempt to logically break down the information to see if it makes sense and it will seek to go back into its experiences to see if it has ever been sensed before. Then the heart processes the information to see if this is something that you should embrace with love or repel with fear. These are the only two emotions that are truly developed at the heart center and all of the other emotions…jealousy; passion, etc. are experienced here. Then the information from the brain and the heart are sent to the gut…along with information that is sent up from the first and second chakras….which control your survival instincts and your sexual/creative instincts. The process of energy moving downward from the brain and the heart and upward from the root and sexual organs then meet in the gut…just above the bellybutton and below the rib cage. This is the seat of a portion of your nervous system called the enteric nervous system. It fires in a very similar manner to the brain and it deciphers the signals from all of the receptors and develops what we have come to know as the “gut feelings”. How often have you heard the phrases…”trust your gut”...”what does your gut feel” or “I wish I had the guts”. All of these speak to a sense that supercedes the others…one that goes beyond logic and passion and reached towards another criterion all together. It is the purest of decision making criteria because it is the only place that actually uses all of your senses to process a decision. However, it is the one that is most often ignored. We follow our hearts and trust our minds and there are volumes of poetry that have been written on love as well as volumes on the power of logic and probability…but the concept of trusting the guts is one that is basically left to the expertise of psychics. Many people think that psychic messages come from a place above the psychic, but the true psychic, or profit or muse inspired artist actually derives their inspiration by allowing their gut to process the signals. The then override the need to feel secure about their sanity…they let go of the pride in what people will think of them and they override everything that the brain says…and deliver the messages as best as they can receive them.
It is the lack of trust in the assimilation powers of the gut that is the root cause of relationship issues. Despite evidence that shows otherwise, the brain will call upon the memory of other deceptions or disappointments and will translate this to a current relationship. Or the heart will allow the brain to justify the behaviors of others, or yourselves to override the feeling that those behaviors are incorrect.
It is hard for humans to trust their guts because, very often, the guts are not sending the messages that the mind or heart wants to feel. But eventually, the truth that the “like” energy that attracted two people is not enough to sustain the relationship…or friendship…will bring events to the surface that will demonstrate this truth. At those times you will often hear the phrase, “why didn’t I trust my guts”.
So you see, my dear ones, that communication issues are not between two separate humans…they are within each and every human themselves…and if you simply trust in the communication that you internally feel…rather then seeking the advice of others…until you hear what you want to hear…then you will be fine. Communication starts within and then reverberates from the individual and attracts the energy of what that person is seeking. If you are afraid you will attract fear. If you are mistrusting you will attract situations that you can mistrust…even if the individuals in your life are trustworthy. If you love unconditionally, then you will attract unconditional love.
By the way…unconditional love does not mean that you will accept everything that someone does to you so as to accept them for the person they truly are. It means to go into each and every day with out a pre-conceived condition of what that day will bring…thus allowing the best…or the worst and responding in the moment and not preconceiving that moment way in advance. There is such a thing as a self-fulfilling prophecy. If you think on something long enough and are sure that it will happen and you empower that thought with true emotion…you will create some response of energy…either the fulfillment of your request…or a push back from another’s energy field. But by examining the energy you are putting forth and trying not to pre-conceive…allowing things to unfold…you again surrender. That does not mean that you do not do your best or take the most appropriate actions to the best possible outcome. Only that you do not hang your “hopes” on one single outcome that you have “conditioned” as the best one for you…not knowing what wonders could be in store if you allow your life to unfold and love yourself and communicate with yourself honestly and openly.
The world is full of communication issues…that all begin…within.
Go in peace.
Friday, April 3, 2009
The Human Body
There are few things that have been created in this universe that are as fascinating as the human body. A microcosm of the very universe itself, the human body simulates creation in its very form and function. Your brain is somewhat like the sun. All of the other organs revolve around the functions of this “orb” so to speak. Your organs respond to its pulses of energy in magnetic waves, very much as this planet does to sun spots of flashes.
In the process of creation it was ordained that in order for creation to continue and for there to be the necessary flow of both positive and negative charges to create ever expanding energy, that there needed to be that disparity in both the energy of the angels as well as that of humans. Angels who took on the role of the creators of darkness became those that you now refer to as “devils”. In fact their role is most crucial to creation for they must create the darkness in all of its forms in order for humankind to even be able to identify what is the “light”. Would you understand cold if you had never felt hot?
In creating humankind, the method to expand the growth of the energy of the creator was to give these creators a body…that would feel a myriad of positive and negative sensations…while at the same time giving these creatures a “free will” to choose between these differing sensations to their own liking. In the story of the “Garden of Eden” it is said that Lucifer, the Archangel of the Darkness, took the shape of a serpent and tempted Adam and Eve to “eat of the fruit of knowledge”. Lucifer was offering them the opportunity to “feel”. Everything was idyllic with their existence but they did not know this because they didn’t know any other experiences that they could compare to. When they chose to eat the fruit it is said that they were expelled from the garden, but in truth the garden ceased to exist…for they had used their free will to know all that God had created and not just that which was perfection. Many read this story as a failure of the first created…or as an “original sin”, but it was in fact a very courageous decision for them to want to know and understand more. It is one that humankind continues to choose every day! This same facet of creation was repeated over and over again, with other “Adam and Eve’s” and that is how the many races of the world came to be. All were offered the opportunity to live an idyllic lifestyle without the ability to understand anything outside of their world and all chose to leave the garden. It is in this way that mankind, in our opinion, far exceeds our abilities as angels, since for most of us, our broader understanding of the overall scheme of creation causes us to want to stay within our form and not to evolve into more complex creatures such as humans. Some angels do take that route and for them we have great respect as well.
In the story of creation it is said that Adam and Eve discovered their nakedness and they covered in shame. There was not shame involved…although that emotion did evolve. They discovered cold and they awoke to the first difference from the garden. They also learned to kill animals for skins and food. These first creatures discovered both the limitations of a body, but also the extreme pleasures of the sensations they now had. In the garden there was no hunger so there was no need for food. The need to allow the body to take over to direct the individual to survival did not occur until they left the garden…and those same primal needs exist through to this day. In the days of primal human need, the body was the utmost focus. Food, water and shelter were the primary concerns and the human beings responded to the cues that the body gave them.
My concern these days is that the care of this vehicle for your spiritual growth has fallen into great disrepair. And now the decision as to living in the garden is often given to those living outside. By this I mean that many of the choices that are being made today by humans are actually hastening their departure from the body. In the fast paced world that has been created by humans there is little time afforded for rest and relaxation. It is no accident that the word for activities that have no direct bearing on the primal human needs are called recreation. That time is what allows humans to re-create their energetic core…either through rest, reading, dance, play, sex…whatever leaves them feeling rejuvenated after that act is performed. Millions on the planet are sleep deprived…which not only means that their physical body has not had the opportunity to rebuild its cells…but they have also limited their time of a deeper spiritual connection that occurs during deep sleep. That sleep is the place where manifestation of the spiritual to the physical can be hastened. We will speak more about this at another time.
Of other concern is the fuel that is ingested to feed your bodies. Again, in the world of haste there have been created many “foods” that are preserved to last a very long time and those same chemicals that “preserve” the food actually not only stay in the body longer…as the preservative cells decompose they attach to other cells and “preserve” those cells from dividing and expanding and recreating in the manner that the body normally accepts. These “free radical” cells then often latch onto other cells or cluster amongst themselves to form what has come to be called “cancer”. Movement away from foods that have preservatives…as hard as this might be…is a key to the best care of the human body. Also it is crucial to develop a natural form of exercise that will allow you to simulate some of the activities that your body did back in the days of being a “hunter gatherer”. During those days you ran, crawled, climbed, squatted, jumped, danced and did many other things that kept the body strong and healthy. Exercises that simulate these things refresh your primal memory and cause you to seek doing them even more so.
Rest assured. Be more mindful of your bodies and they will be ale to do more to assist the mind…the orb at the center of your personal universe.
All of our love,
Friday, March 27, 2009
The Truth About Angels
People often validate the existence of angels based on their own personal experiences or those of others. But few understand how angels truly do interact with humans and why some people seem so protected and others have every difficulty come their way.
The key to understanding is to start with a very basic premise. We are all, humans and angels, beings of energy. Your heart beats and your blood flows by the energy that possesses your body. Some call that energy life force and others call it “the soul”…but it is the essence of your being and personality. Your unique stamp of energy…that which forms your personality and everything else about you is in this invisible energy. Your DNA is not only in your hair, or skin, or saliva. It is in the very energy that breathed life into your body and allows you to walk around free of any power cords.
As co-creators with the Creator, we helped to create all of the animal kingdom and mankind (womankind too)! Those angels who helped to create you have their DNA forever intertwined with their co-creations…just as humans can identify their child by the existence of similar DNA. In this manner you are spiritually linked to that angel who assisted with your spiritual creation and that angel, because of its link, is often referred to as your guardian angel. Because we are linked to you we always know what is occurring with you. What may be hard for you to understand, however, is that since that spiritual connection exists with millions of human beings we act as guardians for millions of human souls. It is not a difficult task because we are not limited by the human restrictions of space and time and thusly we are aware of every part of our spiritual body of creation…and the creator is aware of every single particle of creation since it came from him/her. This is why you have heard the phrase that god sees all.
I know that this is hard to understand but if you think of it in terms of your own body it is easier. The energetic essence of yourself is so strong that it powers your human body without you having to give it a single conscious thought. You never think…heart beat…kidneys flush…eyes tear…well maybe some of you have been able to pull off the eyes tear part to get something you want…especially the little children!
Gerry can be typing this as I speak to him and yet he is aware that he is hungry…he hears the fan in the background…is aware of the person with the loud radio and feels an itch on his foot. Even with the limitations of being in a body…which limits sensation so the physical brain can process it…human’s sense a great deal at one time. Now imagine that you are not limited by a body and brain and you are just linked to the ultimate intelligence. That is what it is like to be an angel. Add to that the fact that we have no emotional connection to the actions of mankind because we know that everything is part of your process to “return to the garden” so to speak.
When you were created within a physical form your spirit did so to expand your senses and spiritual essence…thus expanding the creator…by the sensory deprivation of becoming a physical being. Being deprived of the knowledge of your connection to the creator you spend your life in experiences that will move you closer to connection or farther away…but all are pivotal to your spiritual growth. There must be the positive with the negative…the yin and the yang.
We help you when you call upon us to help you…or should I say when you surrender your will to a higher power. When you realize that there are times that you just cannot figure out the answers no matter how hard you try…there are points that you truly surrender and many of you ask for our help…and with the power of your will (willpower) out of the way we are free to manifest energy to bring you things that you are seeking.
Let me give you a clearer example…that of an alcoholic in Alcoholics Anonymous. In this program one of the first steps is to realize that the human will to not drink (willpower) is not strong enough to stop. So the drinker surrenders their willpower in this area to a higher power. In essence you are calling on the higher power that helped to create you to step in and place their energy within your field to give you the power to manifest a greater good. Gerry once experienced this when he was about to crash into a truck in the middle of a bad snow storm. We had already established a connection and as he struggled to get control of his skidding car I was helpless to assist him. He was trying to control the outcome. He heard my plea to “let go” in his mind and literally “let go” of the steering wheel. That allowed us to assist him and he will often tell of the amazing tale of how his car spun and swerved, turned backward, so that it was facing the oncoming truck and then slid perfectly into an opening between two guard rails as the truck zoomed past…just inches away. We were able to assist because he called on us and trusted in the outcome. If the truck had crashed into him and killed him…at that point he was actually at peace with it…for that split second he realized that he had no control over this situation and he trusted that whatever the outcome…we would bring him to his best possible space.
That is why some people seem so blessed and others seem so put upon. Both believe that what they are receiving seems to be their lot in life. That is why the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. Their energy is so intertwined in the belief that their life will not change that it doesn’t. But there are those who believe that there is a deeper truth…a deeper connection to the creator, and often they surrender to that faith…with such depth of conviction that they are brought to the experiences that help their spirit to grow in leaps and bounds. Think of it in this way. The greatest leaders of all time have amassed great power by delegating their authority to persons they would trust. Generals trust their power to captains…who delegate authority to lieutenants…who delegate authority to sergeants…who delegate to corporals who delegate the “grunt” work to the private. What a rich example this army metaphor is. It is the private individual…in their own personal battle with the forces of light and darkness, which would be all alone in his decisions about how to survive this battle if it were not for the training of the corporal and sergeant…who prepare them for battle. And those soldiers rely on the lieutenant and the captain to have the correct ability to “think on their feet” in translating the “battle plan” into the real give and take…and surprises…of the battle. But it is the general who gathers the information from all sources and has the ability to impart crucial intelligence from this “above perspective” that helps everyone to survive.
The Creator is the general. The Creator understands all because the Creator created all and all intelligence of all beings flows through him/her. That intelligence flows down to the angels that create the balance between the darkness and the light…the archangels. The intelligence then flows to the guardians…who are like the sergeants and then to the “saints”…the spirit guides that have been human and have grown so in spirit that they are almost akin to the angels. Then the “private soul”…the human…the individual. When you are going it alone you are like a soldier in the wilderness. Winning some battles…loosing some, and struggling to survive. If your power of will is strong you will get far, but it is when you surrender your will to get the advice and “intelligence” of a higher power that you get a glimpse of the bigger picture. The bigger “battle plan” so to speak. I hope I have not offended anyone in using this military metaphor…I am not using it as a supportive proponent of war, but since mankind has waged some type of war since the earliest of days, and since many corporations and even sports teams are built on the same structure…I have used it to illustrate an important point.
Ask and you shall receive, knock and it will be opened. Surrender and you will be given the power.
Go in peace and love,
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Stop Worrying and Embrace the Future
In that same vain, back in the days of the Great Depression few would have believed that, in another century to come, there would be a new program of financial redemption that would repair the infrastructure that they would be creating out of the ashes of their economic collapse.
At that time the leader of the United States of America, Franklin Roosevelt uttered perhaps the most spiritual words of any politician…WE HAVE NOTHING TO FEAR, BUT FEAR ITSELF!
These words are so very powerful because they cut to the very core of the difference between creation and destruction. It is within the energy of love and trust that mankind works to create. You create ways to bring food to your table, roofs for over your head…roads to take you to where you need to be…all from the core energy of love…for family, friends, your vocation, country, religion, humanitarian concerns and many other reasons.
But fear immobilizes creativity. It is what causes you to not act…because the potential of failure is greater than the belief in yourself. It is fear that causes mistrust and thusly the creation of weapons to protect each other from the threat that another might try to take something we have. The emotion of fear, which was created to allow humans to sense the presence of a “real” danger, has been expanded to sensing the presence of “potential” danger, or even “imagined” danger or failures.
Worry is the manifestation of imagined fear. We worry about what might happen…how something may have been interpreted…what others think about us and even, in the most extreme…worry about what, or if something exists after this experience…the fear of death.
This is a time of great promise because humanity is leaving a place where it was being driven by fear and divisiveness. Ending is the quest to find the greatest return on imaginary money…as well using real weapons of destruction in the quest to find suspected weapons of destruction. And hopefully, ending is a time when mankind uses the name of the Creator…in many different forms…to justify killing others. I am not saying any of these things as a judgment of these actions…but merely as a message to point out how the “fear of the unknown” can lead you down dark, sad paths…while embracing the potential of your future can lead to amazing new discoveries and creations that are beyond your wildest imagination. A new and more “solid” reality is being created…one where reason, logic and belief in the amazing potential of humanity to create solutions and answers are being realized. This is a time to embrace change and to “revolutionize” both governments and businesses. Look not on the struggle alone, but look more so toward the opportunities for more rewarding work…more secure investments in the future…and new technologies that will potentially save the planet. All of these things and more have a potential at this time…provided that the lessons of greed are learned.
Embrace these days of establishing a new reality and a new direction for the future for still to this day…you have nothing to fear but fear itself. And do not waste time in worry about the future, but spend every waking moment being the most that you can be in the present. Be the person that you want to be remembered as…and don’t put limitations on your greatness! We will help you to be as great as you desire. Simply ask: “angels please come to my aid”. We cannot help you if you do not ask for help.
Go in peace and embrace the days to come,
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
I am an Angel
I am an Angel. I do not mean that in a figurative sense. I mean it quite literally! I have existed since before the beginning of that which you know as time…and was among those that were first created when the Creator expanded himself (or herself, if you
Angels were created to be co-creators…to develop and separate the light and the darkness…the warm and the cold…all of the creatures that exist on the land, under the sea and in the sky. If you were to picture the Creator as the Chief Executive Officer of Creation then we were created as the second in command. The spirit essence of the Creator splintered into millions of “middle managers” whose role it was to execute the vision of the Creator in expanding his essence into eternity.
We evolved, almost instantaneously, into our roles of part
But before I become too complicated in explaining the nature of my existence, let me first explain the reason for my messages and the reason why I have asked this human “messenger” to carry out my “voice of blissful harmony”.
My name is Margaret…although throughout the centuries I have been known by many other names. Throughout the centuries I have spoken through many human voices…all of which carried the message of peace, and joy and “non-judgementalism”. About 20 years ago I began to speak to Gerry. What, you might ask, made him qualified to communicate with angels…was he someone who was deeply ingrained in a religious community or who had some saintly spiritual qualities…no…to the contrary…he is very, very human and filled with very typical human qualities. So what made him an angelic communicator…he asked! Gerry had learned and studied to develop his skills to quiet the chatter in his mind to be open to spiritual messengers. But despite his knowledge he was unable to communicate with the angelic realm. Until one day when he surrendered to the concept that he was lost and just simply asked to speak to me…and the door was opened.
“It can’t be that easy” I can hear you saying…”everyone could talk to angels if that were true”…and to this I say…you are right…everyone can speak to angels and the purpose of my relationship with Gerry and the work that he has done since our meeting is to carry out that message to others…
In the beginning when we first began our communication on a somewhat regular basis Gerry asked me why I had chosen him to carry out the role of human messenger. I joked that through him “it would become infinitely clear that if he could do it anyone could”! While his willingness and compassion is not to be overlooked…the truth is that he does
I have asked Gerry to start this blog because it is, among other new technologies, one of the most popular forms of communication on your planet. Through links and other cross references these messages may be carried forth to millions upon millions of seekers…who also would like to speak to their angels…those that were instrumental in their creation and re-creation and who vibrate deeply within their energetic essence.
You already know us…you have already spoken to us many times. We are the quiet inner voice that urges you to make a turn when your car is almost out of gas…the voice of the muse that sparks your creativity…the voice that tells you that there is more to life then that which you have settled…the voice that reminds you to be grateful when you re-member how much you have…and the voice that brings you home when it is time to cross-over…or who carried forth your beloved pets when their time has come. The quiet voice that exists within your soul.
There is a reason why this blog is so very important right now…not to say that it was not important before…but in today’s worldly energy there is a pervasive energy of fear. That fear is racking the economies of the world…that are driven by the need for an optimistic outlook on the futures of all that is invested into the world. We measure investments by their paper monetary value, but investments are, in fact, dreams. Dreams for the future…based on all of the best facts that can be gleaned to support them. Pervasive fear gives way to difficulty dreaming positive dreams…and a lack of trust in investing in the future. This is not new…throughout all of history angels have appeared to very typical humans…and offered to them the same message over and over…FEAR NOT! This was not being delivered because people are afraid of us…for; in fact, we possess an energy that most would feel as calming and re-assuring. The message of FEAR NOT is not about the messenger…it is the very essence of the message.
Virtually every day I will share these messages with Gerry and he will share them with you. Those who will come to this blog will do so because you are seeking a way to make sense of where you are in your life…and of the world in general. In due time, for those of you who desire, we will share further information, as to how you can delve even deeper into angelic communication.
I thank you for coming to this site. We, of the angelic realm, have such a deep and abiding respect of spirits that were created into the human form and who assist the creator in consistently expanding the vistas of “the spiritual/human experience”. For many of you, some of the things that I will say in this blog will make great sense…while for others it will challenge your spiritual dogmas and will many times feel very controversial.
Remember that these messages will be coming from a place of “non-judgmentalism” and as such they may not be the same as opinions that have been developed in the human realm where emotion,
Peace and love to all…in perfect harmony,